Mathieu De Coster


Research output

Representing Signs as Signs: One-Shot ISLR to Facilitate Functional Sign Language Technologies
Toon Vandendriessche, Mathieu De Coster, Annelies Lejon, Joni Dambre
arXiv pre-print
Language Resources for European Sign Languages
Vincent Vandeghinste, Mirella De Sisto, Maria Kopf, Marc Schulder, Caro Brosens, Lien Soetemans, Rehana Omardeen, Frankie Picron, Davy Van Landuyt, Irene Murtagh, Elefterios Avramidis, Mathieu De Coster
Way, A., Leeson, L., Shterionov, D. (eds) Sign Language Machine Translation. Machine Translation: Technologies and Applications, vol 5. Springer, Cham
Sign Languages as Source Language for Machine Translation: Historical Overview and Challenges
Joni Dambre, Mathieu De Coster
Way, A., Leeson, L., Shterionov, D. (eds) Sign Language Machine Translation. Machine Translation: Technologies and Applications, vol 5. Springer, Cham
Challenges with Sign Language Datasets
Vincent Vandeghinste, Mirella De Sisto, Santiago Egea Gómez, Mathieu De Coster
Way, A., Leeson, L., Shterionov, D. (eds) Sign Language Machine Translation. Machine Translation: Technologies and Applications, vol 5. Springer, Cham
Predicting Errors and Failures in Human-Robot Interaction from Multi-Modal Temporal Data
Ruben Janssens, Eva Verhelst, Mathieu De Coster
ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
🏆 This paper was awarded an honourable mention for obtaining the second place in the ERR@HRI challenge
Neural Sign Language Recognition and Translation: Towards Sign Language Applications Powered by Artificial Intelligence
Mathieu De Coster
PhD dissertation at Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
SignON - a Co-creative Machine Translation for Sign and Spoken Languages (end-of-project results, contributions and lessons learned)
Dimitar Shterionov, Vincent Vandeghinste, Mirella De Sisto, Aoife Brady, Mathieu De Coster, Lorraine Leeson, Andy Way, Josep Blat, Frankie Picron, Davy Van Landuyt, Marcello Paolo Scipioni, Aditya Parikh, Louis ten Bosch, John O'Flaherty, Joni Dambre, Caro Brosens, Jorn Rijckaert, Victor Ubieto Nogales, Bram Vanroy, Santiago Egea Gomez, Ineke Schuurman, Gorka Labaka, Adrian Nunez-Marcos, Irene Murtagh, Euan McGill, Horacio Saggion
EAMT 2024 Products and Projects track
From Scarcity to Understanding: Transfer Learning for the Extremely Low Resource Irish Sign Language
Ruth Holmes, Ellen Rushe, Mathieu De Coster, Maxim Bonnaerens, Shin'ichi Satoh, Akihiro Sugimoto, Anthony Ventresque
11th Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics (ACVR)
Trends and challenges for sign language recognition with machine learning
Jérôme Fink, Mathieu De Coster, Joni Dambre, Benoît Frénay
SignON: Sign Language Translation. Progress and challenges
Vincent Vandeghinste, Dimitar Shterionov, Mirella De Sisto, Aoife Brady, Mathieu De Coster, Lorraine Leeson, Josep Blat, Frankie Picron, Marcello Paolo Scipioni, Aditya Parikh, Louis ten Bosch, John O'Flaherty, Joni Dambre, Jorn Rijckaert, Bram Vanroy, Victor Ubieto Nogales, Santiago Egea Gomez, Ineke Schuurman, Gorka Labaka, Adrian Nunez-Marcos, Irene Murtagh, Euan McGill, Horacio Saggion
24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
Towards the extraction of robust sign embeddings for low resource sign language recognition
Mathieu De Coster, Ellen Rushe, Ruth Holmes, Anthony Ventresque, Joni Dambre
arXiv pre-print
Querying a Sign Language Dictionary with Videos using Dense Vector Search
Mathieu De Coster, Joni Dambre
8th Workshop on Sign Language Translation and Avatar Technologies (SLTAT)
Machine Translation from Signed to Spoken Languages: State of the Art and Challenges
Mathieu De Coster, Dimitar Shterionov, Mieke Van Herreweghe, Joni Dambre
Universal Access in the Information Society
BeCoS Corpus: Belgian Covid-19 Sign Language Corpus. A Corpus for Training Sign Language Recognition and Translation
Vincent Vandeghinste, Bob Van Dyck, Mathieu De Coster, Maud Goddefroy, Joni Dambre
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (Volume 12)
Challenges with Sign Language Datasets for Sign Language Recognition and Translation
Mirella De Sisto, Vincent Vandeghinste, Santiago Egea Gómez, Mathieu De Coster, Dimitar Shterionov, Horacio Saggion
13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC)
Progress, Challenges and Innovations of the SignON Project
Vincent Vandeghinste, Mirella De Sisto, Dimitar Shterionov, Aoife Brady, Mathieu De Coster, Lorraine Leeson, Josep Blat, Frankie Picron, Marcello Scipioni, Aditya Parikh, Louis ten Bosch, John O'Flaherty, Joni Dambre, Jorn Rijckaert
32nd Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN)
A Corpus for Training Sign Language Recognition and Translation: The Belgian Federal COVID-19 Video Corpus
Vincent Vandeghinste, Bob Van Dyck, Mathieu De Coster, Maud Goddefroy
32nd Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN)
Attention Analysis of a Sign Language Recognition Task on the AUTSL Dataset
Jeanne Coppin, Mathieu De Coster, Joni Dambre
32nd Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN)
Sign Language Translation: Ongoing Development, Challenges and Innovations in the SignON Project
Dimitar Shterionov, Mirella De Sisto, Vincent Vandeghinste, Aoife Brady, Mathieu De Coster, Lorraine Leeson, Josep Blat, Frankie Picron, Marcello Scipioni, Aditya Parikh, Louis ten Bosch, John O'Flaherty, Joni Dambre, Jorn Rijckaert
23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
Leveraging Frozen Pretrained Written Language Models for Neural Sign Language Translation
Mathieu De Coster, Joni Dambre
Information, 13, 220
Frozen Pretrained Transformers for Neural Sign Language Translation
Mathieu De Coster, Karel D'Oosterlinck, Marija Pizurica, Paloma Rabaey, Severine Verlinden, Mieke Van Herreweghe, Joni Dambre
1st International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Signed and Spoken Languages (AT4SSL)
The SignON project: a Sign Language Translation Framework
Dimitar Shterionov, Vincent Vandeghinste, Horacio Saggion, Josep Blat, Mathieu De Coster, Joni Dambre, Henk van den Heuvel, Irene Murtagh, Lorraine Leeson, Ineke Schuurman
31st Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN)
Isolated Sign Recognition from RGB Video using Pose Flow and Self-Attention
Mathieu De Coster, Mieke Van Herreweghe, Joni Dambre
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops
Sign Language Recognition with Transformer Networks
Mathieu De Coster, Mieke Van Herreweghe, Joni Dambre
12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC)
Towards Automatic Sign Language Corpus Annotation Using Deep Learning
Mathieu De Coster, Mieke Van Herreweghe, Joni Dambre
6th Workshop on Sign Language Translation and Avatar Technologies (SLTAT)
Polyphonic music generation with style transitions using recurrent neural networks
Mathieu De Coster
Master's thesis at Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture